-We agree to re-watch something if one of us has seen it and the other has not.
-Plan to mix it up; one week, maybe some Clint Eastwood and the next, Bruce Lee. And the next, Schwarzenegger.
-Each post will indicate whether or not Tam cried.
Technically, this movie was watched prior to the declaration of Bad-Ass Movie Friday, but it ended up fueling the idea anyway, so I'm gonna include it.
-Kurt Russell in the 80s? Hot. I (Tam, to be clear) would take his other eye out. Whatever that means.
-Holy shit! Isaac Hayes is in this movie? Bad-Ass!
-So, here's your Escape From New York drinking game: Anytime someone says "Snake? I thought (or heard) you were dead," take a shot.
-We now understand the reference in Aqua Teen when Meatwad is telling Boxy Brown, "You're Duke of New York! You're number one!"
All in all? I think I'd give it about 3.5 stars out of 5.
Did Tam cry? Nah.
Doug and I remember bits and pieces of this movie from back in the day, but neither of us had really seen it from start to finish. Anyway, it's considered a classic and we now fully understand why.
-A little longer than anticipated. I know they needed time to develop an edge-of-your-seat plot, but honestly, I was just getting tired of hearing european terrorists talk for two-plus hours.
-When it's revealed that John is shirtless (and breathing heavily) after using his shirt to dress his foot wound, I (still Tam, here) got the most raging boner. I've always had a thing for Bruce Willis, but it was only a few moments ago that I was reminded of what type of male I was raised to find sexually attractive.
Growing up in the 80s, I quickly learned from a young age that chest hair and sweaty, bloody muscles were what you wanted in a mate. A total fuzzy, buff Bad-Ass. Of course, I kinda forgot about that when New Kids On The Block came out, but boy, was I reminded of it tonight. Dude is poppin' off terrorists, barefoot. Savin' broads from falling off buildings. And being sweaty. And breathing heavy. That boner? Yeah, still got it.
-Oh, and let us not forget Carol Winslow from Family Matters! Hi, Carl! (Knowing now that the actor who plays him is gay, I bet he had a raging boner watching Bruce too. BONERS!)
This one got 5 stars from me, mostly because the last 30-45 minutes is so crazy and perfectly executed.
Did Tam cry? Yes. When John's giving the "Tell my wife I'm sorry" speech.
NEXT WEEK: Nothing decided on yet, but plenty in the instant queue to choose from.
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